Flowchart: first sketch
Inspiration: My grandparents
It was my uncles birthday so the whole family got together on an online platform but my grandparents as you can see and their friend didn't really know what they were doing. It was very funny so i made a screenshot which came in handy for this tiny project.
Flowchart: second sketch
I added an emergency button so they can call the ambulance, police or the fire brigade fast and easy. Also im the first sketch I had the choice audio or video call, but i got feedback that it can be already difficult for them to understand so i took that out.
Flowchart: third sketch
I made the emergency section more clear.
Sketches of the interface
I know i cant be the user but i live alone, i cant go to my grandparents or my parents because they are a risk group. But i tried to live the character Arie.